Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Showing of the Works of Moira and Ann Beaty - Mother and Daughter.

The top photo is the fireplace in my sitting room now converted to a gallery for the works of Anne Beaty. I had not got round to hanging her fantastic and imaginative works when I took the photos for this blog. Sorry.
I have had two of Anne's paintings in my possession for a long time. I bought them when she had her graduation show at Glasgow School of Art. They have been reunited this week with another two from the same show. They belong to my friend Lesley Rankin. It is so interesting to compare these works with Ann's current images.
The other photos here are of my entrance hall now feeling like a gallery. It is so exciting to have all this work from Moira Beaty's opus. I am honoured to have such a selection of her lifetime's creativity. I have been assisted in assembling this collection by other good friends and admirers of Moira. - Sally and Alan Hobkirk.
The whole experience of doing this life enhancing presentation has been a new expansion for my character. I have learned so much about making a show of paintings. I can't wait for Sunday to come but there is still a lot to be done. I have just ordered the wine - never done that in such bulk before !! I am still emaiIing Jamie MacKenzie at Morrison Bowmore about the whisky tasting and trying to guess how many people will come. I still have to get the back room together that will house a place for a guitar recital from Matthew Hicks and a selection of drawings from both Moira and Ann. I always find it revealing to see the preparatory work that goes into the creative process.
I have spent the week checking charity shops for frames to buy at minimal prices, to spray paint white to frame these drawings. They are in all shapes and sizes !! All this week also I have been enjoying my new system of picture railing and deciding how and where to hang the works.
I did not just want a straight up hallway where everything could be seen before you get your coat off so I bought a roller blind to become a central 'wall'. I has allowed me to subdivide Moira's themes into people. flowers and landscapes. I am trying to be aware of the other features around the pictures. The furniture, the flowers, the lighting etc. This is my home and as such I hope it gives a slightly alternative accent to a showing of artworks and I hope it will add to how viewers see the artist's works. I have not retained every last item that usually hangs out in my place as the paintings are the most important feature of my house for a week from Sunday. I am loving being a gallery guy for these few days !!!
What an addition to my life of cleaning toilets, making beds and offering breakfasts !! It sure is stimulating if a wee bit tiring. I am going to find this whole event is one of the signposts in my life and look back on it with immense pleasure. I hope my guests will feel the same !!!